Advanced Academics Programs

Fairfax County Public Schools offers a continuum of advanced academic services for students K-12 that builds upon students' individual strengths and skills and maximizes academic potential for all learners. Our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) collaborates with the school staff to determine the appropriate level of advanced academic services. Parents may refer their child for advanced academic services or get additional information on the screening process or advanced academic opportunities. Ongoing observation and assessment ensure that student needs are being met. You can learn more about AAP in FCPS here(link is external).

Tera Crenshaw, Louise Archer’s Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, will be hosting a virtual information session about the Advanced Academic program on Friday, October 18th at 9:30AM. The session will cover two topics: AAP Overview/Continuum of Services and AAP Full Time Screening, Referral, and Identification Process. You can attend the virtual session through this zoom link: is external)

The format for this session will include a presentation followed by time for questions. If you have questions, you can submit them ahead of time using this google form(link is external).


Save the Date:

Friday, Oct. 18 9:30AM - Virtual Parent Information Session about AAP Services & AAP Full Time Screening via Zoom: is external)

Tuesday, Oct. 15 – AAP Full-Time Referral Form for new FCPS students (gr 3-6) enrolled after January 2024 due to AART, Tera Crenshaw.

Sunday, Dec. 15 -  AAP Full Time (Level IV) Referral Forms(link is external) (gr 2-6) for the 2025-2026 school year.  Referral forms and optional materials from parents are due to AART, Tera Crenshaw.


If you have questions about AAP services or screening, please contact Ms. Crenshaw at

Our Advanced Academics Resource Teacher



STEAM at Louise Archer ES